I wish to express my profound gratitude to my beloved mentor, Giorgio Vogel, whom I remember with real affection and whose fundamental teachings and professional example I guard jealously. I count myself extremely fortunate to have had a teacher of such high intellectual and cultural calibre! I remain deeply saddened by his death. A fond and grateful mention also goes to Misa Ferro, my first teacher of orthodontics. I wish to say a special thank you to Roberto Brusati, a great master of maxillofacial surgery, extraordinary clinician and person of great determination and tenacity, with whom I have shared years of intense work and great professional satisfaction. I warmly thank my co-authors – Elena Bazzini who, as I often recall when introducing her, was once an assiduous student of mine and is now not only my right arm but also my left, and Luca Boschian-Pest, who represents the complementary part or missing link of my profession – for being by my side on a daily basis for so many years, both in the clinical departments at the San Paolo Hospital in Milan and in private practice. A warm mention also goes to my longstanding pupil and collaborator, Giacomo Grasso who, to his regret, was unable to take part in the writing of this book. Then, of course, I must mention all my former pupils, most of whom are now fine and well-established professionals. I may have been their teacher, but for me they have been a source of innovative ideas, vital energy and enthusiasm: to name just a few of them would mean leaving out many others, therefore I extend my thanks to them all collectively. In addition, how could I fail to thank all the colleagues from other disciplines who have actively contributed to the solution of many adult cases requiring an interdisciplinary approach: Claudio Gatti, Paolo Crozzoli, Eugenio Romeo, Franco Brenna, Matteo Chiapasco, Alessandro Rossi, Mauro Belluz, Mario Pignanelli and many others besides. Indeed, we have addressed numerous clinical cases together, and have done so united by a common desire and determination to do our very utmost for our patients. Last but not least, as the saying goes, I wish to extend my deep and loving thanks to the men in my life: Carlo, Maurizio and Giò Rossi, who have been deprived of so much of my time and my attention on account of my day-to-day work. And of course to my beloved parents. Prof.ssa Giovanna Garattini Associate Professor of Odontostomatology